
Straightforward, free-of-charge registration.

Register now! With the following form, you can register with RETTERAlarm very easily and free of charge. Your details will be checked by our team, and you will receive a response from us within 48 hours.

This temporary registration is necessary to ensure the highest possible degree of security and to prevent your organisation from being registered at RETTERAlarm twice. There are no costs involved.

Station 1

Wir legen euch zu Beginn bereits eine Wache an, damit ihr direkt starten könnt. Keine Sorge, diese könnt ihr später noch umbenennen. Falls ihr keine untergeordneten Wachen habt, schreib den Namen deiner Organisation hinein.

I consent to my details from the contact form being collected and processed for the purpose of responding to my enquiry. The data will be deleted after the processing of the request has been completed.

Please note: You can withdraw your consent with future effect at any time by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Detailed information on the porcessing of user data is provided in our Privacy Policy.

* Pflichtfeld

Heilbronner Str. 30
74363 Güglingen

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On the grounds of ensuring superior readability, our website makes exclusive use of the masculine form. It is naturally the case that this wording applies to equally members of each gender.